Little brainstrust Know Hows 

These are easy to read fact sheets to give you key information on topics chosen by our community. When it comes to brain tumours, accessing simple, factual information can be difficult. There is a great deal of conflicting information available that can leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed. We’ve created the brain tumour Know Hows so you can access concise, clear and impartial information about current topics. As with all of our resources, where they involve health information, our Know Hows are written following our rigorous Information Standard process, so you know that the information is trustworthy and reliable. 


This Know How is intended to bring some clarity to a confusing topic. Medicinal cannabis is a broad term for any sort of cannabis-based medicine used to relieve symptoms. There are many mixed messages about cannabis in the media and within the brain tumour community. Many cannabis-based products are available to buy online, but their quality and content is not known. They may be illegal and potentially dangerous. Certain things inside cannabis contain anticancer properties, but this does not make it an anticancer treatment.

Download the Cannabinoids Know How

How to get a second opinion

We are often asked about second or even third opinions. Seeking more opinions has both advantages and disadvantages. This Know How has been designed to help you understand the pros and cons of a second opinion, bring some clarity as to what the options are and inform you how to go about seeking another opinion.

Download the How to get a second opinion Know How

How to handle conflict

When you are living with a brain tumour, emotions can run high, as people are living with stress. At times like this, we tend to go to our default behaviour – what we know – and this can make things worse. This Know How will help you understand how to handle conflict, and try and turn it into something productive.

Download the How to handle conflict Know How

How to deal with overwhelm

When situations change, it is hard to know which way to turn. Things that you did so easily suddenly become overwhelming.  Some things are within your power to change. Some are not. This Know How is designed to help you understand the difference, and prioritise the things that you can have an impact on.

Download the How to deal with overwhelm Know How

Reliable websites

Access to the internet at the tips of our fingers has made getting hold of information quicker and easier than ever, but how can you know what sources to trust? Misinformation spreads fast online, and is sometimes shared by people with a large following.

This Know How will help you to understand what reliable websites look like, establish fact from fiction online and stop feeling overwhelmed by the volume of information available.

Download the Reliable websites Know How

Helping children live well with brain
tumour–related fatigue

We know that one of the most frequent and distressing problems described by people living with a brain tumour is fatigue. But brain tumour fatigue is different. It occurs with emotional, cognitive and behavioural problems, and it can be due to neurological dysfunction, treatments, mood disturbances or supportive medications.

This Know How will help you to understand brain tumour-related fatigue in children and provide you with some information and strategies to help manage it.

Download the managing fatigue Know How

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